These are the world’s top 10 sweets and chocolates to include in your Christmas sweet hampers this year. Christmas sweet boxes make the perfect gift for friends, family, and colleagues. They are stuffed full of a variety of amazing sweets, chocolates, and puddings.
Christmas hampers are really easy and affordable to make! They are also guaranteed to be loved by the recipient. After all, who would say no to a sweet hamper filled with Christmas themed goodies?
Read on to find out our top 10 Christmas sweets and chocolates…
Candy Canes
Candy canes are a classic Christmas sweet! Candy canes are boiled peppermint flavoured sweets. They are a quintessential part of Christmas! It would be totally remiss to not include these traditional sweets in your Christmas hamper! Everybody loves a burst of peppermint during the Christmas months.
Candy Canes date back to 1670! A German choirmaster wanted to keep his young singers quiet. So, he handed out sugar sticks bent into shepherds’ crooks to keep them preoccupied. Their first association with Christmas came in 1847 when August Imgrad in Ohio decorated his spruce tree with these specially designed sugar sticks. Ever since candy canes have been a hallmark of Christmas cheer.
Chocolate Coins
Chocolate coins are a symbolic Christmas gift. Gifting chocolate coins is thought to bring good luck and wealth to the recipient. Saint Nicolas - yes, the person who inspired Santa Claus - gifted gold coins to needy women during the festive season to pay for their dowries. This is where the gold coin Christmas tradition began. Now, people all over the world stuff their stockings with chocolate coins at Christmas time.

Christmas Cake
Christmas cake is a delicious dessert to add to your Christmas sweet hamper. Christmas cake is made with a variety of dried fruits, brandy, orange zest, and mixed spice. Christmas cake is loved by people all over the world. In Chile, Christmas cake is called Pan de Pascua. In Chile, it’s a Christmas tradition to leave out a couple of slices of Pan de Pascua for Santa.

Chocolate Orange
Terry’s Chocolate Oranges are a British favourite! According to one estimate, a Terry’s Chocolate Orange is given to 1/10th of people on Christmas morning! That’s an awful lot of people! Terry’s Chocolate Oranges are infused with fresh orange. They’re even designed to look like oranges! You can peel each orange segment off and pop it into your mouth. Terry’s Chocolate Oranges are definitely a crowd favourite. You’ve got to add one to your Christmas sweet hamper!
Chocolate Chip Cookies
Chocolate chip cookies are the perfect addition to your sweet hamper. We all know Santa loves to snack on cookies and milk on Christmas Eve. This is Santa’s favourite way to recharge his batteries before he goes back to delivering presents. Make a batch of chocolate chip cookies for your Christmas sweet hamper and save a couple for Santa!

Mince Pie
It’s an English tradition to enjoy mince pies throughout the holiday season. Contrary to popular opinion, a Christmas mince pie isn’t actually made with minced beef. It’s actually a small, sweet pie made with dried fruit. The English love to serve their mince pies warmed with runny cream. Why don’t you make some deliciously festive mince pie for your Christmas sweet hamper? They will go down a treat, especially in the United Kingdom! It doesn’t get more festive than a wholesome mince pie!

Gingerbread Men
Gingerbread men are one of the world’s top Christmas sweets. Gingerbread men are adorable little cookies decorated with festive icing. The distinctive ginger flavouring is so reminiscent of cold winter days! Your friends and family will love the inclusion of gingerbread men in their Christmas sweet hamper. They will be a lovely nostalgic touch in your sweet boxes.

Chocolate Boxes
Chocolate boxes are a staple at Christmas! Cadbury Roses, Celebrations, and Quality Streets are the most popular. However, there are always delicious bespoke chocolate boxes available at your local shop. Chocolate boxes are great to add to your sweet hamper because there is something for everyone inside!
Chocolate Flapjack
Chocolate flapjacks are easy to make British sweets. They are only made with five ingredients; oats, chocolate, golden syrup, butter, and sugar. Chocolate flapjacks are great for Christmas sweet hampers. They last well, they hold their shape, and they taste delicious!
Ferrero Rocher
Ferrero Rocher are eaten by people all over the world at Christmas time. The hazelnut filling and crunchy milk chocolate is loved all over the world. Ferror Rocher are fantastic for Christmas sweet hampers. They are affordable and very festive. Purchase a box from the grocery shop and add them in your sweet box with some candy canes, chocolate coins, and maybe a slice or two of Christmas cake. Yum!